The GVI results will empower the consumer and strengthen the demand side. This will be achieved by informing consumers through the involved (inter)national consumer organisation and the strong link to Euro NCAP. This GVI project will be the catalyst and initiator for a fully-fledged Green NCAP program, which will help consumers, authorities and all other stakeholders to identify if a vehicle is spotless and energy efficient.
The highest standard is attributed to a car that maximizes the reduction of its own pollutants and greenhouse gasses and, at the same time, operates at minimized fossil fuel consumption and/or maximized energy efficiency under real-world conditions during its lifetime.
The GVI project will independently assess the full environmental performance of a vehicle in the most comprehensive manner. It is of paramount importance that complex test procedures and results are converted into independent, meaningful and comprehensive information for consumers that can easily be understood.
To get more information, visit the project website, and the Greenncap site.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement number 814794 .